Tuesday, 26 April 2011

I also printed onto double newsprint which as we can see caused the ink to massively bleed, stopping the viewer to be able to read the text working with negative space. Although this was a disaster here, it has opened my eyes to an interesting effect that may be appropriate for a future brief.
As an interesting engaging piece of work i think this works well. On first sight the viewer is intrigued however fact is it is very difficult to read still. It is readable but takes a bit of effort. However if i was to put this next to the passage of text sat in a simple paragraph i think the majority of people would respond a lot better to this work. It's also appropriate in the sense that this work looks at playing with type and how type can communicate which is essentially research for school pupils to refer to in their own work.

Final piece on screen, works well.
Playing with type in a literal sense with the meaning of words.
Playing with both negative and positive space to communicate the paragraph

Layout is key in making this work look thought out and effectively work. Ruling off the page I'm able to lay out appropriately each and every word.

Although i want this poster to be different and different it needs to come from order. The sentences will be grided to belong to their own space so the viewer can depict each one from each other. Above are ideas for how i can separate blocks of text on the page.